Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cancellations of Lit.SSR - 03 Meter franking

 Науйойи-Акмяне/Naujoji Akmenė 1984

 Каунас/Kaunas 1987

The convenience of meter stamps is that it doesn't necessary have to be posted at the post office itself and can deal with large amount of mails in short amount of time. Meter franking machines were often purchased by companies and other big institutions on both side of the Iron-curtain. When I was still a student, I had a part-time job at a mail section of a big company using a Dodwell Pitney-Bowes postage meter machine. Those meter franking usually includes company's logo or advertisement. In Soviet Lithuania, it appears to be the same. The top cover is a registered mail from Naujoji Akmenė, with a meter stamp of the company "Akmenės cementas" which is still existing nowdays. It is a bit unsual to cancel a stationery with a meter stamp. The stationery commemorates the communist activist Kazys Giedrys. The second cover is from Kaunas and it originates from the Fizikinių-techninių energetikos problemų institutas, also existing today but renamed Lietuvos energetikos institutas (LEI).

They are various of types of meter stamps, some of them are obviously different but some can be tricky to identify.

 The above covers seem to have the same type meter stamp, but if you look closely, you can tell the differences. 

Another registered mail from Venta in Akmenė district municipality, a small town with a population of 3000.


  1. Hi Ray,

    I really enjoyed reading your excellent blog and will definitely be back to read more. Also I found new useful references. Keep up the good work!

  2. Hello Audrius!

    It is a pleasure that you like reading my blog! It definitely makes me want to keep writing. Thanks a lot.

  3. I read your blog. Thanks for sharing such a good information about meter franking machines..
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    1. toom smith,
      Thank you for reading! It makes me happy to see someone liking my posts.

  4. I really like and enjoyed reading your excellent blog about franking machines..
      Franking machine

  5. Del sten,
    I'm so glad that you liked it. I will be posting some more article relating to meter stamps in the future.

  6. I must say, you are very interesting 'Prahanoaki'. Looking forward to more informative posts from you in future. Cool stuff! Keep it up!

  7. Thank you franking mail! I'll try my best to keep this blog running!
